The True, the Good and the Beautiful
"To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others."
- Homily from Mass at the Capital Mall, Washington, DC, October 7, 1979
The Family Apostolate
The latest happenings in marriage and family life
Better Together
The Family Apostolate is excited to partner with Dynamic Catholic to bring you the "Better Together" marriage preparation series. The goal is to help couples on their marriage journey with a solid spiritual, emotional and psychological foundation.
Every Couple wants to have a great marriage and we are dedicated to help your relationship reach that goal.
Better Together
The Better Together series equips couples with the necessary tools to overcome challenges - better communication , improved listening skills, and healthy relationships anchored on mutual spiritual and emotional intimacy. So, whether you are just starting your marriage journey or have been on the path for a while, we have a marriage enrichment program designed specifically for you.
5 Ways to Strengthen your Son’s Relationship with his Dad
Life Savers:
The Sisters of Life at 30
NC Register
How St. Monica Navigated Difficult Family Dynamics
Catholic Exchange
Fr. Vin shares his advice as a marriage and family therapist.
When it comes to marriage and family life, recognizing challenges is the first step to overcoming them. Having the necessary tools and support makes a huge difference too. Couples corner addresses real life issues, bringing hope that challenges can be overcome.
Any amount of time spent in Eucharistic adoration is valuable and beneficial for our soul. The Eucharist isn’t a symbol but God Himself on the altar. However, one of the most touching aspects of adoration is that our attentive presence consoles the Lord. He enjoys us while we live on earth but in heaven, it will be us enjoying Him.
The Family Apostolate holds Adoration on Thursdays at
Christ the King Church | 7436 B & A Blvd | Glen Burnie | MD | 21061
"God is a father who never ignores his children when they call to him in times of suffering, loneliness and despair." - Pope Francis
The soul of The Family Apostolate is prayer. It unites us in the mystical Body of Christ. Please send us your prayer request(s) and we will be grateful to pray for your needs.