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The Family Apostolate
The Family Apostolate believes that healthy families form the bedrock of a holy society: spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. The love of the Family Apostolate translates into practical evangelization actions that supports enriched family life. We are also dedicated to the care of orphaned children and see them as extended family.
“As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” - St. John Paul II
Our mission is to serve the various aspects of family life through marriage preparation, Catholic catechesis and retreats, home blessings, social outreach and counseling

Inspiring hope and healing in family life through a deep, abiding relationship with God and one another.

Inspiring a better world, one family at a time​.
We see family as the domestic church where the seed of faith is sown. Reinforcing hope as a way of life, we invite families into a God-centered life and relationship.
Prayer is Foundational
We cannot make any real progress without a deep prayer life. The Family Apostolate encourages Eucharistic Adoration, Devotion to the Blessed Mother, progress in the spiritual life through virtues, self knowledge and meditation. We also pray for the needs of others through offering prayer petitions.

"Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” (Mark 6:31). We recognize the importance of taking time away to deepen our relationship with God which in turn helps us in our relationships with one another. We offer retreats for women and married couples with the goal of expanding it to other groups.

Honoring the Body of Christ
We are our brother's keeper. We are passionate about caring for the less fortunate. Orphaned children with special needs are truly the poorest of the poor. The Family Apostolate is offering support for their care by building a home for special needs orphans in Nigeria.

If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.
- St. Teresa of Calcutta
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