The Family Apostolate
Inspiring hope and healing in family life through a deep, abiding relationship with God and one another.
A healthy family is the foundation for a holy society.
Inspired by this reality, we seek to provide the means of achieving this worthy goal through ministering to the family in spirit, mind and body. Spiritual growth through family prayer, devotion to the Holy Family of Nazareth, and regular reception of the sacraments feed the soul. Catechesis, evangelization, and spiritual reading provide a means of enhancing the mind. Marriage enrichment, retreats, and social outreach provide a bridge between the domestic and institutional church, nourishing the need for human connection and holy friendships. We offer family therapy needed during times of trial. The Family Apostolate seeks to actively inspire hope and healing in family life.
Our mission is to bring the love of Christ to a hurting world, fulfilling the great commandment, “You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, mind, and soul. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” We serve with an open heart rooted in our Catholic faith.
A strong prayer life
​Our service proceeds from a deep relationship with God in prayer. We see God in what we do and in those we serve.
Drawing others into a relationship with God
Our goal is to help others encounter Christ. Reaching out as His hands, feet and heart, we serve with cheerfulness, a ready smile and commitment to gospel values.
Inspiring a better world, one family at a time​
Our focus is to bring the beauty of God to families because the family is critical to a healthy society. We see family as the domestic church where the seed of faith is sown. Reinforcing hope as a way of life, we invite families into a God-centered life and relationship.
Building Bridges​
Our joy is to meet people where they are and lift them up. We help families to understand that vulnerability nourishes relationships. With a listening heart, we are compassionate when we speak and empathetic toward the plight of others.
We build a team that is kind, deferential
We build a team that is innovative and committed
We build a team that is faithful
We build a team that looks to the future
We build a team that spreads love in family life
The FA magazine writes about important issues facing marriage and family life. We feature articles, interviews, and family-oriented stories to teach and evangelize.
The FA works with engaged and married couples. We provide resources and support to help couples achieve the marriage of their dreams. We provide on-going retreats for spiritual enrichment of both engaged and married couples.
Retreats are moments of great encounter with the Lord. The FA offers opportunities for retreats helping Catholics to step away from the busyness of life. Through adoration, prayer, reception of the sacraments, good music, guided meditations, and fellowship, we provide sacred spaces for the purpose of reconnecting with God.
The FA fosters vocations to the priesthood through supporting African seminarians, assisting them in their financial and educational needs. We invite you to support this crucial project by sponsoring our Seminarian Project.